Sonntag, 19. Juni 2022

documenta 15 - 2022

Der TRANSIT-Raum im Kulturbahnhof Kassel steht, die cocumenta ist eröffnet. Hier die Beschreibung des Projekts auf Englisch für alle Interessierten:

Artists for cycles in the living world During the one hundred days of documenta 15 (between 18 June and 25 September 2022) the art project TRANSIT at the Kulturbahnhof Kassel invites visitors to experience cycles. 

TRANSIT thus launches a comprehensive project that is intended to have an impact far beyond the hundred days. The core group "Circulantis" from Switzerland is organising this project in the rear part of the Kulturbahnhof. At the centre of the project is the Light Space5 , which, with its transforming circle of light, is a symbol of values and benevolent communication and is intended to trigger further communication.

23 artists from Switzerland and Kassel surround this core with small works and card multiples, which are of- fered parallel to the Light space for a transit journey to a world of open circulation - the eutopia6 . For TRANSIT, it is trend-setting that not a certain style of art, but a variety of artistic views, united in a common theme, is brought forth: Circuits, cycles and the cyclical. The artistic treatment is open - a special quality is the cooperation between the artists. Their thoughts, their works and their attitudes want to contribute to making the internal and external view of the foundations of social communication and economic exchange possibilities of the future tangible.

From the TRANSIT concepts and multifaceted works, insights, feelings and activities are to grow that describe and inspire post-industrial, socially anchored forms of existence. This is an aspiration that, beginning with the cooperation, wants to be realised in the artists' guild. TRANSIT has the claim to work artistically and curatorially from within itself and to generate autonomously organised income in order to enable autopoietically7 growing forms of existence, initially for the artists and their environment. 

Benevolent cooperation and autonomous economics are practised and built upon at TRANSIT. Small works and multiples are available at uniform prices; half of the income goes to the respective artists and the other part, after deduction of expenses, wants to be used for further TRANSIT projects in other places. In this way, the idea of an autonomous, regional economy linked to art is intended to arouse interest in cycles that grow out of societies. The intention of TRANSIT is to comprehensively accompany the idea of circuits (and later also of a non-ideologically conditioned economic and monetary system). 

Cultural and economic emergences8 are thus given a foundation between the art business and circular economies in the regions. The aim is to create further permanent locations for TRANSIT after the hundred days of Documenta and from there to offer more and more artists the opportunity to awaken and change local cycles in the consciousness of societies through their work. The aim is to make a contribution to combining social meaning and existential necessity. Through selected sponsors and patrons from socially motivated circles and from areas of sustainable and easily comprehensible economic practices, further bridges for the realisation of the aforementioned models are being sought and gathered.

5 Concept by Andres Stirnemann, executed with the artist group Circualantis, Zurich. 6 Eutopia from ancient Greek: eu (good) and topos (place, location), phil. the ideal society, med. the correct location of the organs. 7 Autopoiesis (ancient Greek αὐτός autos, English ‘self’ and ποιεῖν poiein “to create, to build”) refers to the process of self-creation and self-mainte- nance of a system. The term was coined by the Chilean neurobiologist Humberto Matuarana. 8 Emergence (Latin emergere “to emerge”, “to come out”, “to rise up”) refers to the possibility of the formation of new properties (system proper- ties) or structures of a system as a result of the interaction of its elements. The phenomenon of emergent self-organisation is called autopoiesis.

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